Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Journalism and Media

My friend, and great journalist, Susan Shultz, posted the above on Facebook yesterday. You can read Susan's work in The Darien Times. What Susan posted is so true.

As as aspiring journalist/media member, it is annoying when people make comments about how bad the media is.

There is no doubt that the media world is changing, but the media will always be around, and journalism will always be around, in one form or another.

There is online journalism, like blogs (yes, blogging is journalism, in my opinion) there is also radio and online streaming, which is all part of journalism. There will always be a need for journalism. 

Journalists are just doing their job to provide information to the public. They are not trying to hurt anyone. It's a job, just like any other job. Nobody wants others to bash what they are doing in their lives and the way they are making money to support themselves and their families.

With that said, I'm not saying all journalists do everything correctly. There are obvious exceptions and as Susan says, we shouldn't generalize about a group of people, whether we agree with what they are doing or not.

There are a lot of journalists, like Susan, who I have the utmost respect for. These are journalists who do their job with integrity and without an agenda to make it about themselves. A journalist should not be part of the story, in most cases.

However, there are journalists who want to make it about themselves and think that they do everything correct and if you don't do or say something the way they want, you are wrong. This is not the case.

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