Thursday, April 16, 2020


A quarter century. Wow, I'm old.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday today, whether it be through social media, text message, phone call, or in person. It was great to hear from so many people. Some of which I talk toe very day, others who I have not talked to in years. I appreciate every one of them. 

With COVID-19 going on, it was definitely a different birthday. People have a lot bigger issues going on than a "boring" birthday though, so I am in no way complaining. Hoping for the best for everyone who is dealing with issues, whether than be the virus directly, or effects of the virus, or many other things people are dealing with in their life.

Thanks to my bosses, Seth Fry and Todd Parness, along with colleague Phil Simpson for driving by to wish me a happy birthday. Thanks also to their kids who came with them and made signs.

Big thank you to my parents, first and foremost, for everything they do for me everyday and their continued support of all I do. But also for thank you for trying to make this the best birthday possible, under the circumstances. Thanks to my brother for suggesting ice cream cake...It was good!

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy! Looking forward to things getting back to normal soon!