Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day 2024

The Ludlowe HS band at the Fairfield Memorial Day parade. 

Memorial Day 2024. 

The weather forecast was not great and seemed to be getting worse. However, the Fairfield parade was still on. We went down and watched. 

Nice to see the school bands, sports teams and scout groups, among others. 

More importantly, the veterans and first responders who were walking and a part of the parade. 

The Warde band

Besides that, it was a lowkey day. No high school baseball as the weather cancelled practice. (Back tomorrow as the state tournament begins as we host Simsbury at 3:30pm). 


I watched The Tillman Story on Amazon Prime about former NFL player Pat Tillman, who gave up his NFL career to serve his country, and ultimately lost his life. 

It's a sad story of loss, but even sadder how the family was lied to and still does not definitively know if Pat was shot by friendly fire, or by the opposition. 

The film documents his football career, his decision to enlist, his death and the impact thereafter. 

Very powerful. 


I know there are graphics out there, but so many people confuse the different days. They either don't care, don't understand, or a combination of both, the true meaning of Memorial Day and the difference between the holidays. 

Memorial Day - Honoring those who lost their lives serving the country

Veterans Day - Honoring all those who served

Armed Forces Day - Honoring those currently serving 

Today, we think about those who lost their lives defending our country and protecting our freedom. 


The Hudson Valley Renegades, the High-A minor league affiliate of the Yankees, had their game televised on the YES Network this afternoon. 

The Renegades faced off with the Aberdeen Ironbirds with Aberdeen coming out on top by a 9-4 score. 

I tuned in for a large chunk of the game, mostly to watch the camera work of Sean Adams, who was on the high home camera for the broadcast. Sean works for the Renegades as a regular camera operator. Very cool to see him get his work on YES. Terrific work. 

The YES Network view of the high-home camera

Some more photos from today's Fairfield Memorial Day parade. 

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