Sunday, January 13, 2019

Project 365.............Well, not really

Fellow bloggers (and journalists) and my friends, John Nash and Rob Adams are doing something called "Project 365" (Or 365 Project...I've seen it called both).

Basically, they are posting at least one blog post per day for an entire year. It can be about anything of their choosing. From things that happened that day in their life, to something in the news, to promoting their other work, to pretty much anything they come up with.

No, I'm not going to do this (especially since we are 13 days into the year). I don't have enough interesting things to write about. Yes, this probably is one of those boring posts. You don't care about the fact that I was at Ludlowe this morning and then watched football the rest of the day. I also feel like if I got to writing about certain topics, I might say too much that I shouldn't just randomly be writing about.

With all this being said, I do want to write more than I have. I just need to find good topics to write about. Maybe they don't always need to be posts with lots of writing. Maybe some writing and some pictures, or other content. I would like to find topics to write about on a regular basis.

When I created the blog in November of 2016, I thought I had a lot to write about. However, I've written just 37 times (counting this one) since. I really have not written much at all in any facet recently, as I'm not freelancing at the moment, and not writing about the games I attend.

Thanks to those who read the blog. Hopefully I have more for you soon.

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