Sunday, October 13, 2024

Twitter vs Instagram

Everyone knows that I am on social media a lot. 

Specifically, Twitter (X), Instagram and Facebook. 

Staples High School baseball coach Jack McFarland even jokes that I invented Twitter. 

I use my personal accounts, as well as accounts for groups that I am involved with. 

A lot of what I post on my personal social media is high school sports related. 

For years, I have posted score updates on Twitter. Yes, I am still calling it that. 

Well, recently, in addition to Tweeting score updates, I have started posting score updates on my Instagram story 

I feel that this reaches a different, or at least a broader audience. It reaches the younger people, as well as parents who are on Instagram. 

Sometimes, I will just share my Tweet to my Instagram story, other times I will share a photo of the scoreboard, or a photo of the game and I will type the score on the photo/story. 

Often, I will just put the score, but sometimes, when I can, I will give who scored, or other statistics. I want to try to do better with that as it gives the athletes direct recognition. 

After a day of posting a lot of updates on Instagram recently, I put up a poll to see if I should continue. The response was a resounding, yes. 

I don't want to be annoying with it. So, I wanted to see what the reception was. 

Twitter has changed, and even before the change, I'd hear people say they were looking for score updates but were not on Twitter. For a long time, Twitter was the go-to spot to get local score updates. Now, it seems like there are fewer and fewer updates on Twitter. 

I'll keep posting on both, until told otherwise. 

It's also a way to be different and stand out from others. 

In terms of Facebook, sometimes I will post final scores, but more likely, people will get it from the blogs I post. Years ago, I would post in-game updates or at least final score updates on Facebook often. I remember posting in-game updates while watching the Little League World Series on TV years ago when Fairfield American was involved. Yeah, that may have been a little overboard on my end. 

Different ways to use the different platforms (or mediums). 

It some ways, it's about promoting ourselves and our "brand." More importantly, once again, it's about promoting the teams and athletes. 

Shameless related plug: Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @ShawnSailer for updates. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Captured By.....

The media landscape is changing. It has been for many years now. 

That is not to mean that traditional media (print, radio, etc.) is dead. Traditional media is more than alive and thriving.

That said, there are a lot of new waves of media and people getting involved. 

I could write about student broadcasting and journalism (writing/reporting), but not this time. 

One big thing is student photography/videography and graphic design.  

This is not to take away those who are professionals and have been in the field for years and do it for a living 

Students are being entrepreneurs. They are taking photos and sharing them on social media, and sometimes, selling them. 

Additionally, some students are creating graphics for games (gameday, final score and others) for teams to use on their social media pages. 

This is a way to use their talents, promote themselves, and create a "small business." 

It's very easy to do this, if you have the skills and equipment. 

These kids are creating Instagram accounts such as "captured by" and then their name, or some variation or similar words. 

There are good things about this, and there can be issues with this.  

It's about doing it correctly. 

Schools and groups can have certain rules and procedures that these members need to adhere to. 

It's up to the host location/school what they want to allow and how they want to allow and enforce the rules. 

Overall, if it's done correctly, students can help themselves in starting a career and provide content for their fellow students and their families who are involved in the game or activity that is being covered. 

It could be a win-win for everyone. 

If done right. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Coaches Day

This comes from a soccer site, but applies to all sports coaches

I know I've written about this in past years, but when I work in sports, coach sports, and the fact that my life revolves around sports, I think this is important to write about. 

October 6 is National Coaches Day. 

It's a day to recognize the great work coaches do for athletes. 

According to National Coaches Day on October 6 honors the men and women who inspire us to work harder and do our best.

I am, of course, going to take this from a local (primarily high school) perspective. This can, however, be taken from a professional perspective as well.  

Personally, I have been coached by many playing youth sports, worked with coaches when I was a student manager, worked with coaches in my job, and am a coach for baseball. 

I think this gives me a great perspective on what coaches really do. 

It's not just about the game plan and teaching the sport. 

A coach should inspire, motivate and be a role model for their athletes. 

It's about being there for the men and women. Both on the field and off. 

If the athletes are down, talk to them. Find out what is wrong. Is it just their sport struggles, or is there something more going on? 

Be there to support them through whatever issues. Sport, school, or personal life. 

Help out however you can. Even if that's just talking or being there for them. 

I feel as a coach and huge supporter of the student-athletes, that is a strength of mine. I care about the student-athletes. Sometimes too much (this could be another blog post entirely, and it might be). 

Support them and cheer them on during good times as well. 

In terms of actually coaching, it is a coach's job to put the team they feel gives them the best chance to win out there. That doesn't mean they ignore those who aren't starting or playing. Everyone has a role. If fact, sometimes, it's more important to pay attention to those who aren't in the game. Make sure they stay focused on the game and support their team. 

Every member of a coaching staff needs to know their role. The head coach is in charge. It's his or her job to delegate or not delegate duties. The head coach should make sure their assistants know what they should be doing during practices and games. It's also the job of the assistant not to overstep the head coach. 

Every coach, if they are doing it for the correct reason, is in coaching for the student-athletes. The best coaches are the ones who you don't hear from and don't make it about themselves. 

Thank you to all the coaches who do so much for their students-athletes. The appreciation isn't often show, but it is there. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Three Sport Saturday

Warde and Ludlowe volleyball action

It was another fun Saturday of local sports. Three games, three different sports, three different locations. 

The results were a mixed bag. 

First up, was Ludlowe boys soccer hosting Stamford. 

The Falcons had a three 3-0 lead into the second half thanks to a hat trick from Charlie Jones. 

Stamford came back with three late goals to tie the game, and the two teams would end in a three all tie. 

I actually left with like 20 minutes or so (maybe a little more) to go in the game with Ludlowe up 3-0. That being said #BlameShawn. Part of this was due to Stamford arriving late due to traffic and therefore the game starting late. 

I left to get over to Fairfield University where Warde and Ludlowe girls' volleyball were playing at the Leo D. Mahoney Arena. 

It was a terrific volleyball match, with Warde winning in five sets. Lots of great rallies and plays by both teams. 

Warde took the first set, 25-22. 

The second set went in Ludlowe's favor, 25-19. 

Just like the first set, Warde came up to take the third, 25-22. 

Ludlowe tied up the match with a 25-19 score in set 4. 

I am sensing a theme here. Or consistency. 

In the fifth and decisive set, Warde took it 15-11. 

Warde sophomore Laila Henry recorded the 1,000th assist of her career in the third set. After she got the assist, Warde head coach Matt Narwold called a timeout to give Henry the recognition. A sign was brought out and it was announced over the PA. 

I love when records are kept and when the accomplishments are recognized. I always say this, but I wish more of it was done across all sports at all schools.  

While it was great to play the game at a venue like the Mahoney Arena, I wish more people came out to support. That is one issue with playing in a bigger venue, versus playing in a high school gym. However, a gym like Warde is much bigger than a gym like Ludlowe. 

That said, it's still cool to play in a college arena. I was impressed that the scoreboard was in use, and there was a public address announcer. This is what all games should have, no matter then venue. I just wasn't sure what Fairfield University would provide or let the teams have access to. 

Great job by everyone who was involved in putting the day and event together. Another great Ludlowe/Warde game and event for the town. 

Congrats to Matt Narwold and the Warde volleyball team on the victory. 

Matt is a great coach and an even better person. Someone I've known in various capacities since he was my camp counselor many years ago. Always happy to root for his success. (Always love watching his intensity as he coaches). 

Finally, it was off to New Canaan as the Rams hosted Ludlowe in football. 

New Canaan, a perennial power in the league and state, came into the game with a 2-1 record. Ludlowe came in with a record of 3-0. With no disrespect to their previous opponents, a lot of people (including those in the media) were talking about this being the first real big test for the Falcons. 

In the end, New Canaan came away with a 30-14 victory. While it's still a loss, Ludlowe hung tough and did a lot of positive things. 

Liam Bond had two touchdown runs for the Falcons. Defensively, Cooper Seek had a big game, with an interception, multiple sacks and tackles for losses. Seek was all over the field making plays for the Ludlowe defense to keep them in the game. 

It was a long, somewhat crazy day. But always fun to get out and watch games and support the athletes, coaches and teams (this seems like a theme. Maybe a separate blog post here soon). 

A new week of games awaits. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

New York Home Runs

Photo Credit: Patrick McDermott/Getty Images

Sports fans love to debate and love lists (which they can debate) 

After Pete Alonso's game-winning home run on Thursday night in the third and decisive game of the NL Wild Card round for the Mets against the Brewers, there is a new discussion today. 

Biggest/best game-winning home runs in New York History. 

Don LaGreca of ESPN Radio and The Michael Kay Show, gave his top five on the show. 

Number 1 - Agreed. I mean, it's called "The Shot Heard Round the World" for a reason. It was a walk-off to the Giants the pennant. 

Number 2 - No. Should be lower. It won them the wild card round and was a go-ahead game winner, but not a walk-off (granted, that's because they were the road team). 

Number 3 - Should probably be number two. It not only sent the Yankees to the World Series, but it came in extra innings to the rival Red Sox. The Yankees, however, would fall to the Florida Marlins in the Fall Classic. 

Number 4 - Just like number three, it sent the Yankees to the World Series. This one should be higher on the list too. Just like 2003 though, the Yankees did not go on to win the World Series, as they were swept by the Cincinatti Reds and The Big Red Machine. You could debate this and Boone as number two or three, in my opinion. Both in the LCS and both years the Yankees went on to lose in the World Series. 

Number 5 - Is this really memorable? Not in my mind. Yes, it was in the playoffs but still would not have it in the top five. 

Okay, now what is missing, in my opinion? 

- Scott Brosius in the 1998 World Series against the Padres. Specifically, the go-ahead home run in game three off of Trevor Hoffman. 

- Brosius again in 2001 against the Diamondbacks to tie game five. 

- Tino Martinez the night before Brosius to tie game four. 

- Let's move to later the night after Tino's home run. Well, really, it was the next morning. Later in game four, Derek Jeter became Mr. November with his walk-off in game four in 2001. 

Let's stay in 2001 but go back a few weeks and head from the Bronx to Queens. 

September 21, 2001. Ten days after the September 11 attacks when Mike Piazza homered off Steve Karsay to give the Mets a 3-2 lead over the Braves in the eighth inning in the first game back in New York. I know this wasn't postseason, but it was so much more than sports. 

Those are my thoughts on Don's list and others I think of when I think about New York home runs. I am sure I am forgetting others too. 


Everyone can have their own opinion. Debating makes sports fun. 


Side note, and I know this is a very unpopular opinion. I don't think Howie Rose's call of the home run on the radio was a very good call. He yells and talks to much. 

Lay out and let it breath. Let the listener head the crowd noise. 

Now, I will say, I thought all the description that Rose gave was great for a radio call. 

When I think of Rose's calls, the two that automatically come to mind are Stefane Matteau for the New York Rangers against the Devils in the 1994 playoffs and the aforementioned Piazza post-9/11 home run for the Mets against the Braves. 

In the Matteau call, it's a lot of screaming. On the Piazza home run call, he lays out more and lets the listener hear the crowd noise before talking again. 

I love the excitement in the Matteau call, but sometimes, it can be too much.  

With Piazza, Rose knew the moment and knew what it meant to the fans, and everyone in New York and wanted to let those listening hear it. 


I love talking sports, especially baseball, and sports and baseball broadcasting as well. 

Looking forward to watching what the Mets and Yankees do in the playoffs. 

Subway Series? Maybe. People are already talking. 

For now, game ones in the ALDS and NLDS on Saturday. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Warde/Ludlowe Soccer: Mustangs Edge Falcons in Girls Game; Boys Play to Scoreless Tie

Tuesday night was the annual Ludlowe/Warde boys and girls soccer doubleheader. 

The games are doubleheaders each year, but the location rotates between the two schools each year and the team who plays first and second rotates in some fashion as well. 

This year, the boys played the first game and the girls the second game. 

The boys game ended in a scoreless draw. Both teams had chances but couldn't convert anything. Solid goaltending from Ludlowe's Chase McCormack and Warde's Gabriel Tiene. 

Warde retains the Swedish Cup, having won in 2023. 

In the girls' game, Warde won 1-0 to retain the FUSA Cup. The two teams tied in 2023 and Warde won the regular season matchup in 2022 (they also faced off in the postseason that year, with Ludlowe coming out victorious). 

The Mustangs goal came early on in the game, as Paige Shaughnessy found the back of the net. Ludlowe had their chances but couldn't push anything across. 

It was another solid night for the town and the two schools. It's always special for the entire town to see what great athletes and people are across town. It's also a community event with the youth players and just casual fans coming out to support. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Ludlowe Doubleheader Sport Saturday

Ludlowe soccer handshake line following Saturday's win. 

Saturday was a long, busy day at Ludlowe. But a fun day. 

Let me first put this disclaimer. I don't have to be at most games. Other than sort of with my Nest advisor role and games I work, separate from my real job. I go because I enjoy sports and like to support these kids, families and teams. That's not to make me sound great or anything, just to explain something that is misunderstood by a lot of people, because I am at so many games, but not at others. 

First up was the boys' soccer game vs St. Joe's. 

Ludlowe came away with a 3-0 victory to improve their record to 6-1 on the season. 

The Falcon goals came from Ian Moore, Luke DiLillo and Timmy Bennett. Chase McCormack and Will Bostrom combined on a shutout in goal. 

It's rivalry week up next as Ludlowe will face Warde in soccer on Tuesday at Ludlowe. The boys' game is at 5pm, with the girls to follow at 7pm. 

After the soccer game, and a short break, it was on to football. 

The game versus Bridgeport Central was originally scheduled for Friday night but got moved to Saturday to due schools being closed in Bridgeport on Friday due to social media threats in the Bridgeport Schools.

Ludlowe did what they needed to do and came away with a convincing win to improve to 2-0 on the season. 

Next up, the travel to Notre Dame of West Haven on Friday night.  Two more road games after that, at New Canaan and Stamford, before returning home on October 26, to face Darien. 

Thanks to FLHS parent Scott Torello for filling in on the PA for the football game. Very solid job done by Scott. 

Shoutout to FLHS Site Director Frank Anile-Santiago on a terrific job all day. 

And the rest of the crew, led by Athletic Director Todd Parness. Art Cockerham, Justin Tomczyk, Chris Kearney, Craig DeAngelis and Mel Sulich, among others. 

I say I won't write about the high school sports I am at all the time, but that is so much of my life other than actual work, which is high school sports. Hopefully I will write about other topics and write more soon.